Saturday, March 24, 2007

Nine-miter dishcloth

I love the Mason-Dixon Ninepatch Dishcloth, but the miters are the really exciting part. So what if one had miters instead of garter-stitch patches? Ah ha! Nine-miter dischloth!

I knit the miters in three strips of three vertical miters and sewed them together (I think you could pick up stitches and avoid as much sewing, and I may try that next time). I half-double crocheted the edge. I love using up scrap cotton yarn in dishcloths.


Katie said...

Cool idea! It looks great.

Laurie said...

I love the way that looks!

Sarah W. said...


After looking at the photo, I realized I sewed the right vertical section upside down! It's supposed to have the green block on the bottom and the periwinkle one at the top. If you look at the direction of the garter stitch you can tell. Knitters beware!