Friday, June 23, 2006


In Eureka, Abby decided she wanted to learn to knit and make her in-laws some kitty toys. The first day, I taught her to knit. The second day, I taught her to purl. The third day, she was following a pattern and increasing! I didn't tell her we were advancing at lightening speed. She made a garter stitch square and sewed it into a kitty wonton. Voila! Her first project completed. I'm so proud.

A few months ago, I made some kitty toys for my friend Leslie's cat, Riley. You can see one in these pictures of Riley (black and white tuxedo cat), and Carley, the foster cat (long-haired calico). Aren't they cute? And Carley is up for adoption!

The ball on a string is from Stitch n' Bitch Nation. Cat toys are great for using up scrap yarn! If you don't have polyester stuffing, you can used a Kleenex.

In May I also made Riley some wontons and an eggroll. I put them in a Chinese take-out container from Michael's and felt oh-so-Martha-Stewart. Leslie's spankin' new husband, Jason, got a huge kick out it, and I was glad I was there to see his reaction. Jason totally dotes on Riley, Leslie's cat from way before this relationship. Isn't that what every pet owner hopes for?


Laurie said...

So cute! I've been meaning to make my cats some toys for ages, but have never gotten around to it. Of course, I think I can forgive myself because I did slog away for hours on the cat bed. Yay for Abby, she's just started down a slippery slope! I'm sure you were a great teacher. :)

Sarah W. said...

The cat bed is awesome!