Monday, December 04, 2006

Monkey business

Sock monkey in progress, sewing on the muzzle:

Dodger in his Old Navy jacket. The lining is teal fleece. I make him wear a jacket or sweater when it gets in the twenties or below. He does not appreciate it!


Candyce said...

Dodger is too cute!

Jennifer Coomer said...

oh, my little friend! how cute!

the husky butts would get too hot in jackets. but i so want to dress them up!

Sarah W. said...

Thanks! I think Dodger's so pretty I could become a stage mother and make him a dog model.

He was a bit scragily from the shelter when I first got him, and very thin. But he shore turned out puuuur-dy!

smelk-o-matic said...

I don't know...he looks pretty happy to me!