Sunday, May 14, 2006

Whoops o'shanter

Today I made a tam (short for "tam o'shanter"), which is a kind of knitted hat. You can get very complicated with them and knit fair isle designs in them, but I was just using up a ball of wool yarn my mom had bought not knowing what she'd do with it. I felt it should be a hat. Wanted to be a hat.

Weeeeeell, it ended up a little small. Like, kinda child size. You can wear it on the back of your head, a la Kirsten Dunst in Elizabethtown, or at a jaunty angle on the side of your head and I think it looks OK, if admittedly, still a bit too small for an adult. I shoulda made a swatch and made it with more stitches--but you know, if I had, I would have run out of yarn. There were only 93 yards in the ball. Whoops!

The yarn has small touches of color; the decreases on the top of the hat are separted into seven decrease areas and the color on the top makes a sort of spiderweb pattern against the navy background, which I like. The yarn looked like this, but navy instead of red.


Candyce said...

It can be a tam for Dodger.

Sarah W. said...

Heeheehee! He could have a whole wardrobe if he didn't despise wearing clothing.