Sunday, May 14, 2006


This weekend I watched Matchpoint. I wanted to see it back when it was in the theatre because I heard it was garnering a lot of acclaim and was a bit of a departure for Woody Allen, who wrote and directed it. I like Woody Allen, usually. He puts out a lot of movies and some of them aren't so hot. But when he's good, he's very good. I thought the movie was very good, suspenseful, with three-dimensional characters. I could write more about the characters and what I think about their decisions, but I would ruin the movie for you if I did that.

I will say that it deals with chance, free will, and luck. Woody went ahead and outright referenced Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky, which was the right thing to do. Go see it.

Also, I really liked Scarlett Johansson's haircut, which isn't shown its best in this photo.

1 comment:

Jennifer Coomer said...

I have that in my Netflix Queue. I wanted to see it back when as well. Yea. I think I'll put it closer to the top of my Q. Of course I need to spend my time packing and not watching movies. But beside movies I can't put down the knitting needles...