Saturday, June 02, 2007

Rebirth of yarn

Today I'm culling the apartment in preparation for moving out in the next month or two: throwing out papers, tossing out patterns I'm never going to make, making a Goodwill pile.

One thing I'm reusing is super chunky Lion Brand yarn. I started working on a knitted blanket two years ago, and it's just been hanging around, thrown in with my winter clothes, and recently, thrown on the empty bottom shelf of my bookcase. Ignored, wherever it was.

Once I started hand winding balls today, the possibilities jumped to mind! Before I frogged it I was going to put the yarn in the Goodwill pile, but now I think it will be a purse (eventually).


Laurie said...

It's fun to find new uses for abandoned projects, isn't it?

I *love* that book you're reading!

Sarah W. said...

Yes, it is! I shoud do it everytime I realize I'm not going to finish a WIP.

It's a really good book!